One evening, Mom cooked Elephant Ears for dinner. We were told if we wished to realize all of the health benefits of this rare and hard to acquire super food, it was important we eat all of the Elephant Ears on our plates and not discuss the meal with ANYBODY.
We were told the health benefits derived from Elephant Ears included among other things:
Increased Intelligence
Cleared complexion
Enhanced strength and vitality
Immunity from colds and disease
Feelings of elation, joy, and well being once your plate was cleared
To cook Elephant Ears, use the same recipe as liver and onions, except substitute Elephant Ears for the liver.
Category Archives: Dinner
Best French Fries in the World
After Mom made fried chicken, she would fry up potato slivers in the used fryer fat with all of the fried chicken spices. As good as the chicken was, it was the French fries that stood out as unique. Some fast food company would make a fortune if they put such an item on the menu.
Expanding Table
One of the most delightful features of the Mosinger Household is the dining room table. It has the ability to magically expand to accommodate any number of dinner guests. Usually with the help of the beautiful obi cloth from Sako. After all, you need a place to put all of the wonderful food that comes out of Grandma’s kitchen!